Conheça a ATINI
Conheça um pouco da história e trabalho da ATINI – Voz pela Vida!
The story of Arã
A young Indian woman was saved from collective rape by Atini. The report gained exclusive access to an anthropological report finalized in 2019 that brings a twist to a case that has as a background harmful cultural practices and the invisible heroes of infanticide....
The True Story of Lulu Kamayurá
Kayutiti Lulu Kamayurá (20) is a young indigenous woman of the Kamayurá tribe in Xingu, and was raised as the daughter of the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves
Bebê indígena enterrada viva faz 8 meses sem nenhuma sequela e ainda abrigada
Bebê indígena da etnia Trumai, enterrada viva pela bisavó, em Canarana (a 823 km de Cuiabá), e resgatada por policiais militares, chega aos 8 meses de vida, se desenvolve sem nenhuma sequela, conforme o esperado para a idade, e tem recebido a visita da mãe e do pai,...
Sandra Terena é a primeira indígena da história a ocupar secretaria no governo federal
A jornalista Sandra Terena, de Curitiba, foi anunciada na tarde desta quarta-feira (2) como Secretária Nacional de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial (SNPIR), antiga SEPPIR. O secretário-adjunto será Esequiel Roque do Espírito Santo, advogado, ele foi...
The Indian Child who was Buried Alive
By Hugo Marques IstoÉ Magazine, BRAZIL, February 20th 2008 Amalé is four years old. Like many other children, he went to school for the first time on Thursday, February 12th, in Brasilia. A Kamiurá Indian from Mato Grosso, Amalé attracted attention from the rest of...
Indigenous Survivors Uncover Lies of Folha de São Paulo
The investigative journalism center of Agora Paraná met with the young Kanhu Kamayurá, 19 years old. She is one of the dozens of infanticide survivors who received help from the NGO Atini.
Letter of Clarification
ATINI – A Voice for Life, would like to make a public statement, through this letter, to clarify information carried by the media over the last few days, which involve the entity and the name of the future Minister of Human Rights, Damares Alves. We hereby inform that...
Letter Regarding the case in Canarana-MT
On the situation of the indigenous baby buried alive in Canarana-MT ATINI – A Voice for Life would like to publicly express itself in relation to the case of the indigenous baby buried alive on May 05 in Canarana-MT, and express its concern regarding the preventive...
Índia recém-nascida é resgatada após ser enterrada viva em MT
Uma índia recém-nascida foi resgatada depois de ser enterrada viva pela família dela, nessa terça-feira (5), em Canarana, a 838 km de Cuiabá. A Polícia Militar informou ter recebido uma denúncia de que um bebê havia morrido logo após o parto e tinha sido enterrado no...
Quebrando o Silêncio
Quebrando o Silêncio reúne relatos de parentes de vítimas, agressores e de sobreviventes.
10 years later
Exactly 10 years ago we had to make one of the most difficult decisions of our lives. A decision that completely changed the course of our history as a family. A decision that affected a nation.
Bill to guarantee the right to live for indigenous children is approved by the Chamber of Deputies
The House of Representatives, at the end of August, approved Bill number 1057/07, which aims to combat harmful traditional practices in indigenous communities - such as infanticide or murder, sexual abuse, individual or collective rape, slavery, torture, abandonment...
HAKANI PROJECT – What is real and what is not
Infanticide prevention efforts by the Hakani Project remains under attack by tribal advocates at Survival International. Unprecedented numbers of indigenous groups gather to discuss alternatives, but Survival International maintains this is part of a fundamentalist...
In 1995, a woman from the Suruwaha gave birth to Hakani. Hakani means smile and she was a little girl full of bright smiles and laughter. During the first two years of her life, however, she did not develop the ability to speak or walk causing her tribe to put...
Muwaji’s Pain
“Please keep my daughter with you. I cannot keep her, I’m going back to the village.” Muwaji’s words caused us great pain.
Fórum da ONU sobre questões indígenas pede ação para fim de suicídios entre jovens indígenas
O Fórum Permanente da ONU sobre Questões Indígenas abordou a onda de suicídio e automutilação da juventude indígena na sua recente sessão, em Nova York. Durante séculos os povos indígenas ao redor do mundo têm sido forçados a travar uma luta existencial para proteger...
The strange theory of homicide without death
Some Brazilian anthropologists and missionaries are defending the indefensible. Through scholarly papers clad in a disguise of cultural tolerance, they are attempting to disseminate a theory that is, at least, racist - the theory that for certain human societies...
ASSEMBLÉIA GERAL DE ATINI - VOZ PELA VIDA O Conselho Deliberativo convoca todos os sócios fundadores, colaboradores e beneméritos para a reunião da ASSEMBÉIA GERAL ORDINÁRIA de ATINI - VOZ PELA VIDA, que será realizada no dia OITO (8) de março de 2015, com primeira...
O quanto você sabe sobre a população indígena do Brasil?
Dia Nacional da Pessoa com Deficiência
Neste Dia nacional da pessoa com deficiência, a Atini - Voz pela Vida deseja homenagear as Mães de Crianças Indígenas brasileiras portadoras de deficiências físicas! A elas nossa admiração pela luta que travam todos os dias para dar aos seus pequenos uma vida...